
http://www.rasaint.net/ - Glitter Graphics

July 15th, 2023: Hi guys. today I had to get a police background check for a volunteer job I'm doing. I thought it would be scarier than it actually was. Other than that, I recently started an insta account just for bandori stuff because I've been so obsessed lately. I was thinking of making a sort of e-shrine on this site for bandori or magical girls. Or maybe MLP... anyways I wanted to get back to updating my site bc my friend made a neocities site 2day and its like THE CUTEST EVER and I was inspired. (Its called pinkSPOT btw!!). Anyways before I think about adding fancy stuff I should probably finish the index lol.

November 7th, 2023: henno :P I'm finally putting another diary entry hehe... I'm starting with the gallery page 2day!! Term exams are this week and I'm really stressing -_- but I studied hard and I think I'm gonna do okayyyy... anywho for anyone that actually checks this site sorry that I only update it once in a blue moon, I'd like to say that I will try to do it more but I probably won't. Who knows what the future holds yknow

May 7th 2024: Hi :3 I am actually in math class right now. I haven't been updating my website like I predicted hehehe... anyways I have been kinda productive because I've been going to school and leaving the house or wtvr. I also am starting to learn c# yayyy!! it's much harder than html and css but I think Im getting there. I've gotten a lot more stickers irl since I last updated but not many more gifs so I gotta get on that lulz. After class today I'm going to the arcade and I'm v excited because I loovveee the arcade and they sell this yummy lemon tea mmmmmm... Ok anyways baiiii (to the 2-3 people that read this ily)